
Slator is the leading source of news, analysis and research for the global translation, localization, and language technology industry. We make business sense of this dynamic market through in-depth articles, research reports and advisory services; and through events that drive senior executive networking and new business development.

Slator’s integrated business model provides a highly targeted channel for the marketing strategies of language service and technology providers. It has opportunities to run branding, content marketing and lead generating campaigns through a single platform.

Audience Performance

Slator has the largest global audience and highest traffic for news and research in the global language services and technology industry.

We are read by C-level executives and senior decision makers at language service and technology providers, corporate buyers and procurement, VC and PE firms, consultants and linguists in major markets and across the world.

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Industry-crushing Weekly Opening Rate

15% +

Highly Engaged Click-through Rate

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Advertising in Website & Newsletter

Slator provides marketers with the opportunity to run brand awareness, thought leadership and lead generation campaigns through banner ads, press releases, sponsored articles, directory listings, event listings, job ads, newsletter content boxes, webinars and custom online forums.


Banner Ads -  Raise your brand awareness and product visibility through banner ads with compelling calls to action. Up to 3 ads are available per position, in equal rotation.

Banner Position Ad Size Price per Ad
Leaderboard 728 x 90 pixels USD 16,200/year
Newsfeed / Article Top 728 x 90 pixels USD 12,900/year
Newsfeed / Article Bottom 728 x 90 pixels USD 10,200/year
Event Listing USD 700/listing

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Weekly Newsletter

Newsletter Banners - The Slator Weekly Newsletter currently has nearly 16,000 opt-in subscribers, up 5% YOY. We are adding an average of 30 new subscribers every week.

Only 1 ad per banner position, with prices below for the full calendar year. Up to 3 Content Boxes are available per week.